JSVerbalExpressions Docs

API Documentation for JSVerbalExpressions.

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Match the previous stuff one or more times.

const integer = VerEx().digit().oneOrMore();
console.log(integer.exec('foo 12345')[0]); // => '12345'


Usage 1

Match the previous group any number of times.

const expr = VerEx().startOfLine().find(' ').multiple().endOfLine();

console.log(expr.test('   ')); // => true

Usage 2

Match something zero or more times.

Parameter Expected type Description
value String Item to match
const expr = VerEx()

console.log(expr.test('what')); // => true
expr.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(expr.test('what???'));// => true

Usage 3

Match something greater than or equal to min number of times.

Parameter Expected type Description
value String Item to match
min Number Minimum number of times it should be present
const expr = VerEx()

console.log(expr.test('hurray')); // => false
expr.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(expr.test('hurray!!')); // => true

Usage 4

Match something between min and max (inclusive) number of times.

Parameter Expected type Description
value String Item to match
min Number Minimum number of times it should be present
max Number Maximum number of times it should be present
const expr = VerEx()
    .find('h').then('i').multiple(1, 3)

console.log(expr.test('hiii')); // => true
expr.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(expr.test('hiiii')); // => false