JSVerbalExpressions Docs

API Documentation for JSVerbalExpressions.

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Manually add a regex modifier (flag).

Parameter Expected type Description
value String Modifier to add
let expr = VerEx()
console.log(expr.flags); // => 'gm'

expr = expr.addModifier('i');
console.log(expr.flags); // => 'gim'


Manually remove a regex modifier (flag).

Parameter Expected type Description
value String Modifier to remove
let expr = VerEx();
console.log(expr.flags); // => 'gm'

expr = expr.removeModifier('m');
console.log(expr.flags); // => 'g'


Control case-insensitive matching. Equivalent to adding or removing the i modifier.

Parameter Expected type Description
enable (defaults to true) boolean Whether to enable this behavior
const hexColorCode = VerEx()
    .range('0', '9', 'a', 'f')

console.log(hexColorCode.test('#93afee')); // => true
hexColorCode.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(hexColorCode.test('#93AFEE')); // => true


Control global matching. Enabling would cause the expression to not look for matches beyond the first match. Equivalent to removing or adding the g modifier. Global matching is enabled by default.

Parameter Expected type Description
enable (defaults to true) boolean Whether to enable this behavior


Control multi-line matching. Enabling would cause the expression to not look for matches beyond the first line. Equivalent to removing or adding the m modifier. Multi-line matching is enabled by default.

Parameter Expected type Description
enable (defaults to true) boolean Whether to enable this behavior
let findFoo = VerEx().startOfLine().find('foo').endOfLine();
console.log(findFoo.test('foo\nfoo\nfoo')); // => true

findFoo = findFoo.searchOneLine();
console.log(findFoo.test('foo\nfoo\nfoo')); // => false


Usage 1

Repeat the previous item exactly count times.

Parameter Expected type Description
count Number Number of times to repeat the previous item
const expr = VerEx()

console.log(expr.test('foofoo')); // => true
expr.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(expr.test('foofoofoo')); // => false

Usage 2

Repeat the previous item between mix and max (inclusive) times.

Parameter Expected type Description
min Number Minimum number of times to repeat the previous item
max Number Maximum number of times to repeat the previous item
const expr = VerEx()
    .repeatPrevious(1, 3)

console.log(expr.test('foo')); // => true
expr.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(expr.test('foofoo')); // => true
expr.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(expr.test('foofoofoo')); // => true
expr.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(expr.test('foofoofoofoo')); // => false