JSVerbalExpressions Docs

API Documentation for JSVerbalExpressions.

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Control whether to match the expression only if it appears from the beginning of the line.

Parameter Expected type Description
enable (defaults to true) boolean Whether to enable this behavior
const expr1 = VerEx().find('apple');
console.log(expr1.test('pineapple')); // => true

const expr2 = VerEx().startOfLine().find('apple');
console.log(expr2.test('pineapple')); // => false


Control whether to match the expression only if it appears till the end of the line.

Parameter Expected type Description
enable (defaults to true) boolean Whether to enable this behavior
const expr1 = VerEx().find('apple');
console.log(expr1.test('apples')); // => true

const expr2 = VerEx().find('apple').endOfLine();
console.log(expr2.test('apples')); // => false


Match an expression.

Parameter Expected type Description
value String, number, RegExp, VerbalExpression Expression to match
const expr = VerEx().then('foo');
console.log(expr.test('foo')); // => true


Alias for then. Meant for semantics when used at the beginning of a verbal expression. For example, VerEx().find('foo') is more readable than VerEx().then('foo').


Optionally match an expression.

Parameter Expected type Description
value String, number, RegExp, VerbalExpression Expression to optionally match
const protocol = VerEx().find('http').maybe('s').then('://');

console.log(protocol.test('http://')); // => true
protocol.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(protocol.test('https://')); // => true


Alternatively, match another expression.

Parameter Expected type Description
value (optional) String, number, RegExp, VerbalExpression Expression to match instead

If no parameters are passed into or, the alternate expression would be the one built after the call to or.

let fooOrBar = VerEx().find('foo').or('bar');
console.log(expr.test('foo')); // => true
fooOrBar.lastIndex = 0
console.log(expr.test('bar')); // => true

// alternate syntax
fooOrBar = VerEx().find('foo').or().find('bar');
console.log(expr.test('foo')); // => true
fooOrBar.lastIndex = 0
console.log(expr.test('bar')); // => true


Match any character(s) any (including zero) number of times.

const anything = VerEx().anything();

console.log(anything.test('')); // => true
anything.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(anything.test('x')); // => true


Match any character(s) except these any (including zero) number of times.

Parameter Expected type Description
value String, [String] Characters to not match
const anythingButXyz = VerEx().anythingBut('xyz');

console.log(anythingButXyz.test('')); // => true
anythingButXyz.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(anythingButXyz.test('a')); // => true
anythingButXyz.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(anythingButXyz.test('x')); // => false


Match any character(s) at least once.

const something = VerEx().something();

console.log(something.test('abc')); // => true
something.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(something.test('')); // => false


Match any character(s) except these at least once.

Parameter Expected type Description
value String, [String] Characters to not match
const somethingButXyz = VerEx().somethingBut('xyz');

console.log(somethingButXyz.test('abc')); // => true
somethingButXyz.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(somethingButXyz.test('')); // => false
somethingButXyz.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(somethingButXyz.test('xyz')); // => false


Match any of these characters exactly once.

Parameter Expected type Description
value String, [String] Characters to match
const expr = VerEx().anyOf('abc');
console.log(expr.test('c')); // => true
expr.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(expr.test('d')); // => false


Alias for anyOf.


Ensure that the parameter does not follow.

Parameter Expected type Description
value String|Number Value to ensure absence of
const notLeapDay = VerEx().startOfLine()not('FEB-29').something().endOfLine();

console.log(notLeapDay.test('FEB-29-2017')); // => false
notLeapDay.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(notLeapDay.test('FEB-28-2017')); // => true


Match any character within the range defined by the parameters.

Parameter Expected type Description
...range String[] Range of characters

Arguments will be interpreted as pairs.

For example, .range('a', 'z', '0', '9') will be interpreted to mean any character within the ranges a–z (ascii x–y) or 0–9 (ascii x–y). The method expects an even number of parameters; unpaired parameters are ignored.

const hex = VerEx().range('0', '9', 'a', 'f').oneOrMore();

console.log(hex.test('b39a3f')); // => true
hex.lastIndex = 0;
console.log(hex.test('b39aeg')); // => false